• English
  • Japanese


Please complete all necessary information, and submit it to the specifed section. The application forms can be accessed only from inside Keio University.

System Application Type Description File Where to submit
CNS Application for connecting to SFC-CNS Wireless LAN Application form for connecting SFC-CNS Wireless LAN (Authentication by personal certificate)
Details are as follows: "About Wireless LAN Service "
Apply Online
Application form for connecting SFC-CNS Wireless LAN (Authentication by device configuration)
Details are as follows: "About Wireless LAN Service "
Apply Online
Application for connecting devices to CNS Apply to the static IP address at SFC-CNS (campus network) Apply Online
Change/Delete the static IP address at SFC-CNS (campus network)
Application for CNS MailingList Apply to the mailing list at SFC-CNS (campus network) Apply Online
Change/Delete the mailing list at SFC-CNS (campus network)
Application for CNS Subdomain Apply/Change/Delete subdomain of SFC-CNS (campus network) Service Desk
Application for CNS Subnet Apply/Change/Delete Subnet of SFC-CNS (campus network) Service Desk
Application for CNS Shared Workspaces If you want your shared workspace to make public by www, please refer to Information about Web server with vertual host (Japanese article). Apply Online
If you want to use database on shared workspaces, please refer to Shared Workspaces (Japanese article)
Application for CNS-RED Wireless LAN Apply to the Wireless LAN without filtering at SFC-CNS (campus network)
Details are as follows:「CNS-RED無線LAN
Apply Online
Common Application for using P2P file Sharing Software Application form for using P2P file sharing software.
Without application, using P2P file sharing software is prohibited at SFC-CNS.
Application form for using P2P file sharing software Service Desk

Information Desk

  • Shonan Fujisawa KIC CNS Service Desk
    opening hour (Mon-Fri) 9:15-17:00
    Hotline Spring/Fall semester (Mon-Fri) 9:15-18:00 Ext. 52512
    TEL: 0466-49-3423
    Summer/Winter break period (Mon-Fri) 9:15-17:30
    E-Mail address cns-request@sfc.keio.ac.jp
    Where to find us North side, 1st floor,
    M Building
*1 You can apply only if you've been using shared workspace already, and you want to apply only for use of database or for re-issuing password.

Last-Modified: May 7, 2024

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