6. Web
- CGI/SSI Error
- Can't receive error mails with Send Mail CGI
- "Forbidden" error message appears when you try to reach the website
- Become forbidden If you set the permalink in WordPress.
- suEXEC limits
For security, CGI/SSI will work with CGI owner authority in CNS personal web server. Please check "Protected Mode" on your browser.
Can't receive error mails with Send Mail CGI
- Exceeding Home directory limits
CGI/SSI can't work if CGI/SSI were programs that increase the capacity of a file like creating a file or rewriting a file. It cannot be written. Please to organize your home directory. Reviewing Quota
"Forbidden" error message appears when you try to reach the website
- About Protected Mode of public_html
Please set "chmod o+x ~/public_html" to allow "others". - About Protected Mode of Home directory
If you set Home directory as only you can see any files inside, please set "chmod o+x /home/login name".
Become forbidden If you set the permalink in WordPress.
When you use the WordPress in the web server for CNS personal websites, you may be a Forbidden If you try the permalink setting.
Please check the permissions on the .htaccess file that WordPress generates automatically.
If the read is not set to other, please add.- Check the .htaccess permissions.
% cd WordPress's_directory % ls -ld .htaccess -rw------- 1 z00000tk student 35 12月 10 16:43 .htaccess
If permission is 600, to add a read on other
% chmod o+r .htaccess
- Check the .htaccess permissions.
If you change permalink settings except the default setting, you can get 403 Forbidden.
Make an upper directory where you put WordPress readable by others.- Check a permission of a directory where you put WordPress.
For example: If you put WordPress into /pub/WWW/example, % ls -ld /pub/WWW/example drwxrws--x 5 z00000tk example-group 4096 2月 26 14:03 example
- If it doesn’t have a read permission as 771, allow read permission to other.
% chmod o+r /pub/WWW/example
- Check a permission of a directory where you put WordPress.
Last-Modified: July 5, 2017
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