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How to IPSec-VPN(iPhone)

Below is an example of an IPSec-VPN connection on iOS 16.

Connection procedure using the GlobalProtect app

  1. Open the App Store and install "GlobalProtect".

  2. After opening GlobalProtect, "Edit your portal address" will be displayed. Enter "vpn3.sfc.keio.ac.jp" or "vpn4.sfc.keio.ac.jp" and tap [CONNECT].

  3. You will be asked for your iPhone passcode to add a VPN configuration.

  4. When the sign-in screen appears, enter your CNS login name and password in the "Username" and "Password" fields and tap [SIGN IN].

  5. When the Connected screen appears, the VPN connection is complete.
    If the connection is not made, tap to connect.

How to connect using the iPhone's VPN function

**Warning** If the GlobalProtect Client program is not used, the connection will be lost after approximately 48 minutes.When the connection is lost, you must manually disconnect from the VPN and reconnect.

  1. Tap [Settings] > [General] > [VPN and Device Management], then tap [VPN].

  2. Tap [Add VPN Configuration...]

  3. Enter the following information and tap [Done].
    ・[Type] : IPsec
    ・[Description] : SFC-CNS IPSec (okay with everything.)
    ・[Server] : "vpn3.sfc.keio.ac.jp" or "vpn4.sfc.keio.ac.jp"
    ・[Account] : CNS Login Name
    ・[Password] : CNS Login Password
    ・[Use Certificate] : Off
    ・[Group Name] : SFC-CNS
    ・[Secret] : cnsvpn

  4. Make sure the VPN you just added is there and tap [Status] to connect to the VPN.
    If you wish to disconnect, tap again to do so.

Last-Modified: March 29, 2023

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