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Mail forwarding


Forwading the mail that arrives in SFC-CNS to an external email address.

  • Add the destination email address.
  • Delete the destination email address that you registered.


  • Please make sure that the e-mail to the destination e-mail address is being transferred after you register. May not have been transferred by the input mistake.
  • To set by the timing of registration and deletion is reflected may take about 15 minutes time.

How to login

Login to the following page, and set Mail forwarding.




  1. Enter the destination e-mail address in the "Add Mail forwarding address", and then click the "Add".
  2. "(Mail forwarding address) has been successfully added." is displayed.
  3. Please make sure that arrived mail subject to the destination of the mail address of "[SFC-CNS] Mail forwarding has been added".


  1. Put a check in the check box to the left of the destination e-mail address, and then click the "Delete".
  2. "(Mail forwarding address) has been successfully deleted." is displayed.
  3. Please make sure that have received an email subject line to the email address that has been transferred as "[SFC-CNS] Mail forwarding has been deleted".

Last-Modified: March 5, 2015

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