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About Malicious Software “Scare-ware”

April 27, 2012
To Users of SFC-CNS/ERNS
Shonan Fujisawa ITC
About Malicious Software “Scare-ware”

On April18, we verified that scare-ware was installed on rental notebook PCs of CNS Consultant. After investigation, it turned out that the scare-ware was downloaded and installed under uploading software environment for this academic year. Therefore, we stopped rental notebook PC service to delete it. Please accept our sincere apologies for this inconvenience.

In general, scare-ware is malicious software that encourages purchase of its paid-for version under the premise that it is actually anti-virus software. It is tended to be downloaded and installed with free software applications which are for browsing web pages, viewing movies, and transferring files. Please remember that you should download or install these applications very carefully and confirm the following considerations.

  1. Note the source of software (i.e., Official website).
  2. Confirm terms of use of software.
  3. Confirm each step for installing software, and be careful not to choose unnecessary options.

Last-Modified: May 1, 2012

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