[UPDATE] Issues on CNS file server for faculty members (Sep. 25)
September 25, 2014
To Users of SFC-CNS
[UPDATE] Issues on CNS file server for faculty members (Sep. 25)
We have experienced some issues on CNS file server for faculty members since its replacement held on Sep 13, 14. Shonan Fujisawa ITC and vendor are investigating this case. However we haven't resolved.
To avoid this issues sepcially for the classes, Shonan Fujisawa ITC will change the schdule of snapshots to following schedule until this issues will be resolved.
[Change the schdule of snapshots]
Affected Server: CNS file server for faculty members and staffs
Affected Area: Home directory of faculty members and staffs, Shared working directories
Snapshot schedule (before this change): Every 2-3 hours
Snapshot schedule (after this change): Every 2-3 hours (except between 9:30 to 19:30)
Affect: User can not restore previous revisions during daytime. (Still user can get the revision but no snapshot will be taken)
Affected Area: Home directory of faculty members and staffs, Shared working directories
Snapshot schedule (before this change): Every 2-3 hours
Snapshot schedule (after this change): Every 2-3 hours (except between 9:30 to 19:30)
Affect: User can not restore previous revisions during daytime. (Still user can get the revision but no snapshot will be taken)
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Last-Modified: September 25, 2014
The content ends at this position.