Beta testing of new public shared computing server (Dec. 18)
December 18, 2014
To Users of SFC-CNS/ERNS
Beta testing of new public shared computing server (Dec. 18)
Shonan-Fujisawa ITC used to offer different architectures (SPARC and Intel) for public shared computors from an educational perspective. According to the recent trends in cloud and parallel computing, Shonan-Fujisawa ITC considered multiple parallel computing environment such as GPGPU.
Today Shonan-Fujisawa ITC infroduces New public shared server which has Intel Xeon Phi.
New public shared servers have following features.
- Parallel processing with maximum 1,056 concurrent threads (80 threads on host, 976 threads on coprocessor)
- Offload specific computation to coprocessor using Intel compiler (Educational use only)
- Utilize existing source code assets due to Xeon Phi is compatible with x86_64 architecuture
Detailed instruction is available at New public shared server page and more will be available later.
Last-Modified: December 18, 2014
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