Maintenance on CNS Faculty file server (Mar. 7)
February 19, 2015
To Users of SFC-CNS
Maintenance on CNS Faculty file server (Mar. 7)
We will temporary suspend CNS Faculty file server due to the maintenance. After this maintenance, the issues occuring from last September will be resolved.
[Maintenance on CNS Faculty file server]
Date: from 15:00 to 18:00, March 7th(Sat), 2015
Purpose: To fix the issues on CNS Faculty file server
Purpose: To fix the issues on CNS Faculty file server
Temporary service suspension on CNS personal home area of Faculty and Staffs. (Including logging into shared terminal, e-mail service)
Temporary service suspension on CNS shared work area
Detail:Temporary service suspension on CNS shared work area
During this period, we're expecting several short service outage to be happened.
After this maintenance, the issues occuring from last September will be resolved.
After this maintenance, the issues occuring from last September will be resolved.
We're sorry for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding.
Last-Modified: February 19, 2015
The content ends at this position.