Maintenance of SFC-CNS file servers (Aug. 22)
July 28, 2021
To Users of SFC-CNS
Maintenance of SFC-CNS file servers (Aug. 22)
(July 28, 2021: Released)
We are planning to perform maintenance on CNS fileservers as follows.
CNS services will be affected during the maintenance window.
Period: from 8:00am to 6:00pm, August 22th(Sun), 2021
Target: All SFC-CNS user
Target: All SFC-CNS user
- Cannot log in to the PC/Macs in SFC
- Access to user home directories will be unavailable temporarily
- Details of schedule, changes etc. are posted on the official website of Shonan Fujisawa ITC from time to time, so please check.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Last-Modified: July 28, 2021
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