POP Service Outage due to SFC-CNS Mail POP Server Renewal (5/9)
April 13, 2023
To SFC-CNS Users
POP Service Outage due to Replacement of SFC-CNS Mail POP Server (5/9)
Due to the replacement of the POP server, the SFC-CNS Mail POP service will be suspended as follows
Date: Tuesday, May 9, 2023, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.(depending on progress)
Contents: POP service outage due to replacement of SFC-CNS Mail POP server
Description: SFC-CNS POP service is not available
Note1: No impact on IMAP service users
Note2: Emails during the work will be delivered after the work is completed
Contents: POP service outage due to replacement of SFC-CNS Mail POP server
Description: SFC-CNS POP service is not available
Note1: No impact on IMAP service users
Note2: Emails during the work will be delivered after the work is completed
Thank you for your patience.
Last-Modified: April 13, 2023
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