Have you migrated your e-mail?
【Urgent!】The migration period of Keio mail will be done!
The former e-mail system (DEEPMail) will be suspended on March 2, 2015, and after that, you must use Keio mail service with Google Apps for Education ONLY.
Also you will not be able to have any migration procedure with DEEPMail.
- Did you read and write email on email software?
- Did you use a mailing list?
- Did you use a email forwarding?
- Did you chage your profile?
- Did you use a schedule or a address list on the WebMail in DEEPMail?
If you have at least one 'YES' with above questions, you have to do the migration procedure.
You will be able to continue to use the email address you now use (example: keio-taro@a2.keio.jp), after system migration.
Check the 'New Keio Mail'(Google Apps for Education) web site, and proceed your migration ASAP, please.
The New Keio Mail
The Google Apps for Education with Feature Phones(Galakei)
ITC is developing a system for Japanese feature phone(so-called 'galakei') users.
User can access Gmail and/or Google Calender with Japanese feature phones.
A system will be released by end of February and more detail information will be available in our web site.
Last-Modified: June 15, 2015
The content ends at this position.