Internal Rules for Using SFC-CNS
To Users of CNS
Internal Rules for Using the Shonan Fujisawa Campus - Campus Network System
The following rules shall be observed by all users of the Shonan Fujisawa Campus - Campus Network System (hereinafter referred to as “SFC-CNS”).
- SFC-CNS users acknowledge that the SFC-CNS is a network for academic purposes.
- Individuals using the network for non-educational or non-research purposes, such as any examples listed below, may have their SFC-CNS accounts canceled or temporarily suspended. Users should understand that such cancellation or suspension could result in the inability to earn course credits or other significant disadvantages.
- Profit making activities
- Actions or activities that violate public order and decency
- Actions or activities that invade the privacy of others
- Actions or activities that interfere with the normal operation of the network
- Actions or activities that infringe on copyrights or other intellectual property rights
- Actions or activities which could damage the reputation of Keio University
- Other actions or activities that violate laws and regulations or rules of Keio University
- Individuals found to be operating devices that could interfere with the normal operation of the network may have their access to SFC-CNS terminated.
- These rules may be revised at any time. Revised rules shall take precedence over previous versions.
- The Shonan Fujisawa Campus shall issue SFC-CNS accounts only to persons agreeing to abide by these rules.
Established: 3 September 2003
Enforced: 3 September 2003
Last-Modified: April 6, 2019
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