[More Further Report] Releasing Zoom ”Web Meeting System”
Thank you for waiting, we are ready and have started the offer for Zoom through keio.jp authentication for non-tenured faculty members and staffs (except part-time staffs).
*Students are not eligible.
The ones who have an account on Zoom with “@keio.jp” mail address have already have received the emails of guidance from the mail address: no-reply@zoom.us.
The document is as follows.
Please take a look and replace your account.
Ones who have had Zoom account with keio e-mail address (@xxx.keio.ac.jp) excluding @keio.jp or personal e-mail address are not required to replace accounts. Keio.jp account is also available to use except the account in use.
It is able to use @keio.jp account on Zoom as a different account from already used Zoom account. (scheduled meetings can’t be taken over)
Also, ones who have not had Zoom account don’t need to get a new Zoom account. Zoom is available to use through keio.jp authentication.
The URL for using Zoom is below.
Please check up Zoom Manual for the way to use.
The agreement is Zoom Education plan and it regularly allows up to 300 participants.
When over 300 will participate, please apply for large scale 500 or Webinar 1000 through the following application from.
Because of very limited number of licenses for webinars, please kindly understand that you need to apply it for each scheduled day. It is a one-way function from presenters like an event, rather than two-way between presenters and participants. Please confirm the following for details.
Contact about this matter: help@keio.jp
Last-Modified: July 6, 2020
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