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Microsoft Outlook for Microsoft 365 Apps (IMAP4)
Mail sending and receiving setting
When you start Outlook for the first time, the startup screen is displayed.
Enter your CNS e-mail address, click [Advanced options] and check "Let me set up my account manually".
Then click [Connect].
"Advanced setup" will be displayed. Click on [IMAP].
If the following screen is displayed, perform the procedure from item 4.
If the following screen is not displayed, perform the procedure from item 5.
Please enter the following information and click [Next].
incoming mail
[Server] : imap.sfc.keio.ac.jp
[Port] : 993
[Encryption method] : SSL/TLS
[Require logon using Secure Password Authentication] : No check
Outgoing mail
[Server] : smtp.sfc.keio.ac.jp
[Port] : 465
[Encryption method] : SSL/TLS
[Require logon using Secure Password Authentication] : No check
"IMAP Account Setting" will be displayed. Enter "IMAP / SMTP-AUTH password" and click [Connect].
- "Internet Email" window will be displayed.
- Remove letters after @ from the UserName and modify it to just the login name, enter the IMAP/SMTP-AUTH password,
check "Save this password in your password list" and click [OK].
Click [Done] when the Account Creation Complete window is displayed.
How to read of reading IMAP4 mail offline.
Last-Modified: September 22, 2021
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