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Migration instruction to your personal Dropbox account when you leave Keio SFC

Migration instruction to your personal Dropbox account when you leave Keio SFC

When you end using CNS account at leaving Keio SFC, please make sure to complete migration procedure from SFC-CNS Dropbox service account to personal managed account by users themselves before the account will be disabled. If you don't perform this action and leave it as is, all of your data on your SFC-CNS Dropbox account will be unaccessible. The migration process completes by performing in two phases: "Password setting before the deletion of CNS account" and "Email address setting after the deletion of CNS account".

Password setting of Dropbox service before the deletion of CNS account

  1. Login to the Dropbox login page ((https://www.dropbox.com/login) with your CNS email address.
  2. Configure your password managed by Dropbox service apart from SFC-CNS login password. Click the round shaped icon in the top right corner of the window, and open the "Settings" link. Then open the "Security" tab. You will see the "Change password" button and click it.
    Security tab in Setting
  3. A small window will open, then click "Forgot password?" link.
    Link for password reset
  4. Enter your email address of SFC-CNS and submit.
    Input form of mail address
  5. An email that contains information of setting a new password will be delivered to CNS email address. Please click “Reset password” in the email.
    example of verification of password reset request by e-mail
  6. Set up a new password for Dropbox on the opened page.
    Example of password form
  7. When the password is set successfully, you can login to Dropbox with this password after your SFC-CNS account is deleted. Never forget this password because you have completely no way to reset your password after your email address of SFC-CNS is deleted.
    Example of password form

Email address setting after the deletion of CNS account

  1. Your SFC-CNS account will be unavailable and you can't log in Dropbox with the password, afterward, only the password managed by Dropbox service will be valid. Enter your SFC-CNS email address and your Dropbox password.
    Login form example
    Password form example
  2. Note that if your using capacity exceeds limitation for personal account, the different message is displayed like the second picture.
    Password reset completion example
    example of exceeding quota
  3. Click the round icon in the top right and open a small menu.
    Example of personal menu
  4. Select “Settings” and click “Edit” of Personal email.
    Example of setting menu
  5. Enter your new email address twice that you use from now on and the password that you set at step 4 on the displayed entry fields. Note that this email address should be unregistered previously on Dropbox since there are no options of merging multiple accounts, if you want to consolidate data, you will need to download from one account and upload to another account manually.
    example of entering form of new e-mail address
  6. The confirmation email will be delivered to your new set email address. Please click “Verify your email” in the email to complete verification.
    Asked for verification your e-mail address
    example of verification e-mail
  7. That is all for migrate procedure to personal account. Please use email address you set for login.
    Example shows verification completed

Last-Modified: March 18, 2021

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