Sharing Text
If you share a document text you can show the text to another member or jointly edit the document text. There are three ways to share: "Viewer" that allows only viewing, "Comments allowed" that allows viewing and entering comments, and "Editor" that also permits editing.
Attach a check to the Text you want to share then click on the icon.
Fig. 1 Sharing
Enter the e-mail address of the user you wish to share with to "Add User or Group", then select either "Editor" or "Commenter", or "Viewer" then click "Share".
(If you do not want to send email notices at the same time as sharing setting, remove the notification check box so email notices will not be sent.)
Fig. 2 Setting sharing
It is possible to transfer owner authority by clicking on the [Share] icon once more after setting for [Share], and then setting the expiration date for sharing.
Fig. 3 Setting sharing(Advanced)
Definition of "Viewer"
- Views files and folders.
- Downloads and synchronizes files to another terminal.
- Prepares copies of files and saves them in Google Drive.
Definition of "Commenter"
- Views files and folders.
- Downloads and synchronizes files to another terminal.
- Prepares copies of files and saves them in Google Drive.
- Adding a comment or proposed edit to a file
Definition of "Editor"
- Views files and folders.
- Downloads and synchronizes files to another terminal.
- Prepares copies of files and saves them in Google Drive.
- Submits comments or proposals to Google documents, spread sheets, and slides.
- Edits documents, spread sheets, presentations, and Google drawings.
- Shares and stops sharing of files with other users.
- Adds files to folders or deletes files from folders.
- Uploads or deletes versions of files.
You can confirm that the shared Text has changed status and has been shared.
Fig. 4 Sharing setting completed
Instructional mail such as the following is sent to the other sharing member.
Fig. 5 Instructional mail (sharing Text)
Continue to explanation about Sharing a Folder.
Return to Google Drive Users Manual for explanations about other features.
Last-Modified: November 4, 2022
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