Data on Work Drive (D: Drive) will be deleted (Sep. 12)
June 29, 2015
To Users of SFC-CNS
Data on Work Drive (D: Drive) will be deleted (Sep. 12)
Data on Work Drive (D: Drive) will be deleted according to the schedule below.
9:00am - 11:00am, September 12 (Sat), 2015
Each individual will be responsible for backing up necessary data to external HDDs or such. Data cannot be restored for whatever reason.
Due to a replacement of the equipment, the classroom will be closed (announcements will be posted separately). In such a case, please complete the backups of working data until a closure of the classroom.
Thank you for your patience.
See Also: Change in Operating Rules for Work Drive (D: Drive)
Last-Modified: June 29, 2015
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