Regarding GlobalProtect update of CNS VPN service (IPSEC-VPN) (9/25)
September 21, 2023
To SFC-CNS Users
Regarding GlobalProtect update of CNS VPN service (IPSEC-VPN) (9/25)
We will perform update work on the CNS VPN server as follows.
Date: Monday, September 25, 2023, from 9:00 to 10:00
Detail: Performed GlobalProtect update work on CNS-VPN server (vpn3.sfc and vpn4.sfc)
Affected: VPN sessions that were connected before the update process started will not be disconnected during the update process and can be used without any impact.
If you make a new connection during the update process, session establishment may become unstable.
Detail: Performed GlobalProtect update work on CNS-VPN server (vpn3.sfc and vpn4.sfc)
Affected: VPN sessions that were connected before the update process started will not be disconnected during the update process and can be used without any impact.
If you make a new connection during the update process, session establishment may become unstable.
When you connect to the CNS-VPN server using the GlobalProtect client after updating work is completed,
a pop-up will appear prompting you to download the new version of GlobalProtect 6.0.7, so please download and install it.
Please refer to the following for the update procedure.
When an update appears on the GlobalProtect client.
Please see below for details on how to use the VPN service.
We apologize for the sudden announcement. Thank you for your patience.
Last-Modified: September 21, 2023
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