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Microsoft Outlook 2016 (IMAP4)

Mail sending and receiving setting

  1. The following window will be displayed when you start Outlook for the first time, so click [Next].
  2. "Add an Email Account" window will be displayed. Select [Yes] and click [Next].
  3. Check [Manual setup or additional server type] and click [next].

  4. Check [POP or IMAP] and click [Next].

  5. Fill in the following information and click [More Settings]
    Your Name your name
    Email Address Your SFC-CNS email address
    Account Type IMAP
    Incoming mail server imap.sfc.keio.ac.jp
    Outgoing mail server smtp.sfc.keio.ac.jp
    Account Name Your SFC-CNS login name

  6. When [Internet E-mail Settings] display, click [Advanced] tab.
    • Setting for Incoming mail server
      • Select [SSL] in the [Use the following type of encrypted connection] box, and change port number in [Incoming server] to 993
    • Setting for Outgoing mail server.
      • When you use submission port(587).
        • Type in 587 in submission port, and select [TLS] in the [Use the following type of encrypted connection] box.
      • When you use SMTP over SSL(465).
        • Type in 465 in submission port, and select [SSL] in the [Use the following type of encrypted connection] box

  7. Click [Outgoing Server] tab.
    • Click the “My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication” checkbox, and click [OK].

  8. Click [Next].

  9. Fill out based on the following settings, and click [OK].
    User name Your SFC-CNS login name
    Password IMAP/SMTP-AUTH password

  10. If setting is completed, click [Close].
  11. Click [Finish].

How to read of reading IMAP4 mail offline.

Last-Modified: April 5, 2019

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